Monthly Archives: October 2017

Cactus Rose 2017 is in the books

I ran the 50 miler this year… Mike is off on a world adventure so I ran it alone.  The weather was great-  clear and 40 degrees at the 5am start.  I felt on top of the world until about mile 32 when my body remembered that I just ran a 100 a little over a month ago.  My quads got heavy and stomach rumbled but I wanted a PR.  I was shooting for 12 hours and ended up with a 12:22.  I ended up in 13th place out of the 69 starters.  Almost an hour faster than my fastest time at Cactus.

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ACL Weekend 1


Couple of pictures from Austin City Limits festival…. The 3 of us went down to hang out backstage at the HomeAway stage.  We also got to watch one of my favorite bands, “Live”.  It was a great performance.

When leaving we did some acrobatics in the HomeAway house.