A week of fundraisers and now relaxation

This is my view as I write this post

We are in Cancun now, but the last two weeks in Austin were very busy.  We first started with the Safe fundraiser (merger of Safe Place and the Childrens’ shelter).  Our friend Ann was getting an award so were were her guest.

The following Friday was the Literacy Coalition’s annual fundraiser, Reading Between the Wines.  I was the board chair for the event so it was a bit stressful but the event went off very well.  We raised a lot of money and one of my students was able to give a short speech on how the programs have helped her.

Also, our CEO is moving on so the board presented her with a going away present.  The picture below that is the entire board.

Here’s Tracy chatting with our neighbors, Ryan and Katie.

Just two days later, we were are the Planned Parenthood dinner.  Tracy and I always buy a table and we thought that it would be fun to take Preston.  Here we are all dressed up for the evening.

The next morning we left for Mexico.  We are in Cancun trying out a new resort.  So far, so good.  We walked around yesterday.  Here’s Tracy in the surf in front of the resort.

I thought this gull with it’s feathers all messy looked like our dog Izzy.

We walked to the end of the point and posed for a few pictures.

1 thought on “A week of fundraisers and now relaxation

  1. Deb

    It’s really nice, all that you both do to help so many-very cool!
    And the relaxation part is right up my alley
    , I’m jealous since it’s
    snowing and blowing in Cheesehead Land. Enjoy!!!


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